During a recent Chat I was asked, "When will Biddle Street be re-opened?" This one question really contains several sub-questions, because the closing of Biddle Street (for The Hickman's construction project) has led to limited parking around the block due to our bus area moving to High Street and construction workers parking on Walnut Street.
The latest word from The Hickman is that construction of their new building will be completed in mid-December, and that the street will remain closed until then. As you probably know, construction projects can run into delays, but we will hopefully see an easing of the parking limitations with the start of the new year.
I have also been asked a few times this fall, "How can we get the crosswalk back?" The crosswalk in question used to run across High Street in front of the meeting house to West Lafayette Street. It was removed at the time that we were building the new library and administration building. The widening of our driveway required approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (because High Street is a state road) and the PennDOT officials declared that a crosswalk could not exist at that spot. We have not pursued getting the crosswalk back since the folks who would give that approval are also the folks who took it away.