National elections always provide a great opportunity for students to learn about and engage in the democratic process, and that has certainly been the case for us this fall. The most unique and exciting experience has been enjoyed by our fifth graders. The class was divided into four political parties. Each party chose a name, created posters and pins, conducted research, and wrote a platform describing their positions in four areas: the economy, education, the environment, and foreign affairs. I had the honor of moderating a debate between the parties (they all stuck to the topic and minded their time limits!). This past Friday afternoon we were treated to a convention during which the parties presented campaign speeches on the issues one more time.

Students and teachers will be casting their votes tomorrow for the party that they believe has the best plan for leading us into the future. Will it be the Community Party, the Congregational Party, the Recreate Party, or the Unification Party? Stay tuned for election results.
In other election news . . . students in grades one through five have cast electronic votes for (the real) presidential candidates as part of the nationwide Kids Voting USA project. (Thank you T. Rachel, T. Alice and T. Kathy D.) Results should be available Tuesday morning.
And in the very tight contest of most popular Halloween candy being tallied by T. Connie's first grade, long-time incumbent Peanut Butter Cup looks to be upset by upstart M&M's!
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