
Welcome to our "Circle of Friends."* This blog is written by the Head of West Chester Friends School and intended for members of the WCFS community and anyone interested in learning more about our school. Some posts include topics discussed at the monthly "Chat with Matt" parent coffees. Other posts share Teacher Matt's thoughts and observations as well as news and happenings from around the School. Happy reading!

(* From the song "Circle of Friends" by Roger Emerson)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Have You (drip) Heard the (drip) News?

Part of our school's mission is to "celebrate those talents that are within each of our students," and the recent Evening of the Arts was a perfect opportunity to do just that. The visual art displayed throughout the school and the performances of our chorus, band and orchestra were all outstanding. I was also impressed with the way that our students conducted themselves when viewing each others' artwork and being members of the audience. Congratulations to all!

Immediately following the choral performance, I announced next year's All-School Unit theme. And it is . . . "Water, Water Everywhere!" As you can tell from the photo, we had our usual fun with the announcement, complete with costumes and -- this year -- confetti!

The All-School Unit will also be great fun. As the teachers and I explained during the announcement, water truly flows through every aspect of our lives. We drink it and cook with it. We bathe, swim and play in it. Water figures prominently in our stories, poems, songs, and art. It is part of every science discipline and can be measured using mathematics. Water plays a leading role in history, as people throughout time have relied upon water for survival and travel, and established settlements near water. Water covers about 70% of Earth's surface. Indeed, we are awash with water (pun intended), so it is high time that we learned as much as we can about it!

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