I hope this finds you well on this beautiful* snowy day. The forecaster I was listening to certainly got it wrong this time! I have come in from shoveling the driveway for the second time, and I know I'll be out there again trying to stay on top of the accumulation. The kids are still in their pajamas, determined to stay that way all day, but I also suspect we will all go outside to play in the snow later on. I hope this unexpected day off has some fun in store for you, too.
Snow shoveling is one of those activities that leaves your mind free to wander, and my mind went back to yesterday when I was visiting kindergarten. Teacher Michelle was reminding the class of our All-School Unit theme of water, all that they had learned about it earlier in the fall, and making the connections to the snow that is all around us now that it is winter. They were beginning an experiment to see what happens to a scoop of snow when it is brought inside and making observations. "I see snow flakes." "I see a branch sticking out." "I see water." I wonder what they learned about the relationship of the various forms of water as they continued to observe.
I much prefer this form of water to a cold rain. I called it "beautiful" before, and I do find it to be that. But I was also aware as I was shoveling that it requires more work than rain and that, come a warming trend, it becomes a very unattractive, slushy, muddy mess. But for now, it is laying a thick, soft and clean blanket over the earth. And it is beautiful.
I know that the students in our upper grades came home yesterday with some homework that will be due tomorrow. But I have another assignment for you all: go outside and enjoy the snow!
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