Welcome to our "Circle of Friends."* This blog is written by the Head of West Chester Friends School and intended for members of the WCFS community and anyone interested in learning more about our school. Some posts include topics discussed at the monthly "Chat with Matt" parent coffees. Other posts share Teacher Matt's thoughts and observations as well as news and happenings from around the School. Happy reading!
(* From the song "Circle of Friends" by Roger Emerson)
Folktale Festival - Day Three
The final day of our Folktale Festival began this morning in Meeting for Worship with a reading of Old Turtle, by Douglas Wood. In Quaker practice, Meeting for Worship can often begin with an opening exercise or the reciting of a query in order to focus our thoughts on a particular theme. I chose to read Old Turtle in part because, while it is not a folktale, it has elements of a folktales that address questions such as how the world began. It also contains an important message about taking care of the earth, which goes along perfectly with this month's focus on the testimony of stewardship.
Out of the silence that followed the reading of the tale, several students spoke about how important it is not to pollute. Some messages came from fourth graders, recently returned from their overnight at Echo Hill Outdoor School. A third grader, reflecting the question from Old Turtle of what and where God is said, "I think the most powerful force in the world is love, and God is love."
In the library, T. Ruth has been introducing students to folktales from around the world throughout the year. In case you have not yet done so, take a look at her description of one of the most recent experiences: Yiddish tales from Nobel Prize winner Isaac Bashevis Singer.
This afternoon the final Festival events included, fittingly, presentations by both our youngest and oldest students, as well as rich exchanges among them.
In the cottage, the preschool children presented The Ugly Duckling to their parents, followed by a group singing of Circle of Friends and The More We Get Together. They then headed outside for the fun of an Easter egg hunt.
At the same time, the rest of the school gathered in the meeting house for two treats. First, we enjoyed watching the video of the pre-kindergarten class acting out Kumak's Fish.

The fifth grade then gave an interactive presentation based on their study of Tibet and Buddhism. They first explained how Tibet's location and isolation influences Tibetan's need to work together, as well as Buddhist beliefs. They then performed two puppet shows (with handmade puppets crafted with T. Caroline) based on Jataka tales: The Banyan and Three Friends in a Forest. After each show, two fifth graders asked the audience if they had seen examples of Buddhism in the play, and if they could tell which character was the Buddha. The knowledge and composure displayed by our oldest students and the accurate responses from even our youngest students were impressive.
In reflecting upon the past three days, it has been gratifying to see all that the students have learned as well as the joy they had in sharing with schoolmates, teachers, and parents -- which are, in the end, among the major reasons for the All-School Unit at West Chester Friends School. The teachers will soon be turning their attention to choosing next year's theme. Until then . . .
Thanks for sharing.
I sure do love how WCFS has the children of different grades interact with each other. It must work well both ways, for the younger kids to get attention from the "big kids", and for the older children to feel important and respected.
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