
Welcome to our "Circle of Friends."* This blog is written by the Head of West Chester Friends School and intended for members of the WCFS community and anyone interested in learning more about our school. Some posts include topics discussed at the monthly "Chat with Matt" parent coffees. Other posts share Teacher Matt's thoughts and observations as well as news and happenings from around the School. Happy reading!

(* From the song "Circle of Friends" by Roger Emerson)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Take a Break for Reading


The cry of polite protestation came from across the library after T. Claire told the class it was time to move on. The third grade had been reading silently for the past 45 minutes - each student comfortably curled up on a rug, lying on a pillow, or seated on a chair or bench - and they did not want the time to end. Nor did I.

I had the pleasure of joining the third grade twice over the past week as they enjoyed silent sustained reading in the new library. Both were welcome excuses to "drop everything" and simply read. How often in the middle of our busy days do we take a half-hour or more to read, uninterrupted? I highly recommend it!

The first of these opportunities was last Thursday as part of our participation in Read Across America. That morning, District Judge Gwenn Knapp, who is also an alumni parent as well as a member of our Board and West Chester Meeting, administered the Reader's Oath to all of our students. She then read one of her children's favorite picture books, The Sneetches, by Dr. Seuss, to pre-k and kindergarten. After lunch, the upper grades gave up their recess (almost without complaint) and enjoyed an extended independent reading time. T. Sally dubbed it, "Read-cess."

Spring Break is upon us. Whether traveling or simply staying home, we can sometimes become too busy even on a vacation. I encourage you all in the coming week - and beyond - to "Take a Break for Reading."

As we recited last week:
I promise to read
Each day and each night.
I know it's the key
To growing up right.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fifth Graders Getting Happy Middle School News

Earlier this month, fifth graders who had applied for admission to independent middle schools began to hear some very happy news. I am pleased and proud to report that every one of these students has gained admission and plans to attend the school of their choice. Congratulations to all of them!

The schools that have offered our students admission to their sixth grade classes include Westtown School, Wilmington Friends School, Upland Country Day School, Montgomery School, Academy of Notre Dame, Episcopal Academy and Sanford School.

This class will be representative of a typical WCFS class in terms of where they are headed for middle school. In addition to the independent schools listed above, several students plan to attend their public middle school, which is always the case. Over the past five years, 22% of our graduates have gone on to public or charter schools.

A full listing of the middle school destinations for the classes of 2004 through 2008 is available on the school web site.